Mid-State Camper Sales, a leading RV dealer located in Vandalia, IL, has dedicated over 50 years of service to their community, offering a wide range of products and services. Scott and Karen Washburn, the proud owners, initially joined OPTIMA™ to enhance their visibility and broaden their reach. When introduced to AMP Video™, they recognized it as the ideal platform to showcase their thriving business.

Scott shared, “We thought it was very well put together and we know it will increase business because the video is all about the family history of the business. The process of getting our video has been excellent, from working through the interview questions with our Account Manager to the amazing updates from the video team!”

Unbeknownst to Scott, their Who We Are™ Video exceeded expectations, gaining immense traction. With our video hosting services, we embedded it on their primary website, which has seen over 36,000 visits since the video’s publication. This surge in traffic has significantly heightened Mid-State Camper Sales’ visibility, leading them to claim the top spot when searching for RV dealers in Fayette County, IL!